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What Impacts the Consequences of a DUI in California?

Admin • October 3, 2019

When you are stopped for a DUI in California, you can expect a wide range of possible consequences. The consequences for a DUI are based on a variety of factors, which include your criminal background and if you hurt anyone while you were driving under the influence.

While no two cases are the same, the following items can also seriously impact the consequences of your DUI case.

Refusal to Take a Sobriety Test

If you refuse to take a sobriety test once you get to the police station after a DUI arrest, you could suffer some additional consequences along with your DUI charges.

Once you are arrested for driving under the influence, the officer will ask if you will take a field sobriety test while on the scene. You do not have to do this if you prefer not to do so. The field sobriety test gives officers an idea if you are actually intoxicated. If you are ultimately arrested, you must comply with a sobriety test at the station, although the officer cannot force you to do so.

If you do not take the test and are ultimately found guilty, however, the refusal to cooperate with the test is considered by the judge during sentencing. It is always best to comply with the sobriety test at the station.

Erratic Driving

Typically, an officer does not stop an individual for suspicion of driving under the influence unless you were already doing something else wrong while driving. If you are driving erratically, speeding, running traffic signals, or weaving around the road, the officer will stop you and you can be arrested for driving under the influence as well as your erratic driving.

Any erratic driving, especially if you could have caused harm to someone else on the roadway, will have an impact on your case during sentencing. If you hit other cars due to your erratic driving, you can face civil lawsuits as well. If you kill someone with your car, you can go to jail.

You Have Prior DUIs

If you already have DUIs on your record, you can face some serious charges and consequences during sentencing. After a number of DUI charges, you enter the realm of different statutes that govern consequences, which can then include mandatory time in jail and loss of driving privileges.

If you have prior DUIs, you need to work with your attorney right away to help mitigate the consequences. Depending on the judge on your case, you could face major consequences.

Your Blood Alcohol Level Is Significantly High

Another factor which can impact your consequences is your blood alcohol level at the time of your arrest. While there is no specific percentage over the legal limit for which you can face additional consequences, a judge will not take kindly to a dangerous level of alcohol in your system while you were behind the wheel.

If any if these factors apply to your case, you need to consult with your attorney right away. Do not attempt to deal with any of these issues without professional legal assistance.

The overall outcome of your case can seriously impact the rest of your life. If you have a job in which driving is a major component, you could likely lose the opportunity to work again, which could leave you without a way to support yourself.

If you have any questions about a DUI or have other legal matters you need assistance with, please contact The Law Office of Ralph Torres. We are experienced with DUI law and are happy to evaluate your case and help you build your defense.

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